The Managers
Corporate Governance
CDL Hospitality Trusts ("CDLHT") is a stapled group comprising CDL Hospitality Real Estate Investment Trust ("H-REIT") and CDL Hospitality Business Trust ("HBT") (the "Stapled Group") pursuant to a Stapling Deed dated 12 June 2006 (as amended) and each Stapled Security consists of one H-REIT Unit and one HBT Unit and is treated as a single instrument. M&C REIT Management Limited (the "H-REIT Manager") was appointed manager of H-REIT in accordance with the terms of the Trust Deed dated 8 June 2006 (as amended) between the H-REIT Manager and DBS Trustee Limited (the "H-REIT Trustee"). M&C Business Trust Management Limited (the "HBT Trustee-Manager") was appointed the trustee-manager of HBT in accordance with the terms of the Trust Deed constituting HBT dated 12 June 2006 (as amended).
The H-REIT Manager has general powers of management over the assets of H-REIT and its main responsibility is to manage H-REIT's assets and liabilities for the benefit of the holders of H-REIT Units. The H-REIT Manager is responsible for formulating the business plans in relation to H-REIT's properties and in this regard, it works closely with the master lessees of H-REIT's properties to implement H-REIT's strategies. In addition, the H-REIT Manager sets the strategic direction of H-REIT and gives recommendations to the H-REIT Trustee on acquisitions, divestments or enhancement of H-REIT's assets in accordance with its stated investment strategies.
Other roles and responsibilities of the H-REIT Manager include:
- Managing, enhancing and maintaining Claymore Connect to achieve high occupancy levels at good rentals.
- Using its best endeavours to ensure that the business of H-REIT is carried on and conducted in a proper and efficient manner and to conduct all transactions with or for H-REIT at arm's length and on normal commercial terms.
- Ensuring that H-REIT complies with the relevant applicable laws and regulations, including the applicable provisions of the Securities and Futures Act 2001 ("SFA"), the Listing Rules issued by Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited ("Listing Manual of SGX-ST"), the Code on Collective Investment Schemes (including the Property Funds Appendix), the conditions set out in the Capital Markets Services ("CMS") Licence for REIT Management issued by the Monetary Authority of Singapore ("MAS"), the H-REIT Trust Deed, the tax rulings issued by the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore on the taxation of H-REIT and the holders of the Stapled Securities of CDLHT ("Stapled Security Holders") and all relevant contracts.
The H-REIT Manager holds a CMS licence issued by MAS to conduct real estate investment trust management activities as required under the licensing regime for real estate investment trust managers. In addition, employees of the H-REIT Manager who are engaged in investment management, asset management, financing, marketing and investor relations functions are holders of CMS representative licences.
HBT acts as the master lessee of Raffles Maldives Meradhoo, a resort in the Maldives, W Singapore - Sentosa Cove, Hotel MyStays Asakusabashi and Hotel MyStays Kamata in Japan as well as Ibis Perth and Mercure Perth, all of which are owned by H-REIT. In addition to its function as a master lessee, HBT undertakes certain hospitality and hospitality-related and other accommodation development projects, acquisitions and investments which may not be suitable for H-REIT. HBT is the owner of Hilton Cambridge City Centre, a purpose-built upper upscale hotel located in Cambridge, United Kingdom which is managed by the Hilton Hotels and Resorts, and The Lowry Hotel, a purpose-built 5-star luxury hotel located in Manchester, United Kingdom. HBT currently owns a residential build-to-rent property, The Castings, in the United Kingdom which received practical completion status on 4 June 2024. On 6 November 2024, wholly-owned subsidiaries of HBT completed the acquisition of the Hotel Indigo Exeter located in the United Kingdom. On 19 December 2024, a wholly-owned subsidiary of H-REIT and a wholly-owned subsidiary of HBT together completed the acquisition of a purpose-built student accommodation property, Benson Yard, in Liverpool, United Kingdom with HBT owning the vacant freehold land adjacent to Benson Yard.
The HBT Trustee-Manager has the dual responsibility of safeguarding the interests of the HBT Unitholders, and managing the business conducted by HBT. The HBT Trustee-Manager has general powers of management over the assets of HBT and its main responsibility is to manage HBT's assets and liabilities for the benefit of the HBT Unitholders. The HBT Trustee-Manager also sets the strategic direction of HBT and works closely with the hotel managers where it is the master lessee or owner of the properties.
Both H-REIT and HBT are externally managed by the H-REIT Manager and the HBT Trustee-Manager (collectively, the "Managers") respectively. Accordingly, both H-REIT and HBT do not have personnel of their own. The Managers employ experienced and well-qualified management staff to run the day-to-day operations of H-REIT and HBT. The Directors and employees of the Managers are remunerated by the Managers and not by H-REIT, HBT or CDLHT.
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