Anti-Corruption, Anti-Bribery and Code of Conduct and Ethics

Anti-Corruption, Anti-Bribery and Code of Conduct and Ethics

The H-REIT Manager Board, HBT Trustee-Manager Board and Management are committed to conducting business with integrity and consistent with the highest standards of business ethics, and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulatory requirements. There is no tolerance for bribery or corruption. To mitigate reputational risk, the Managers have established various policies and guidelines to guide employees of the Managers, such as the receipt of corporate gifts, entertainment or concessionary offerings in order to avoid any misperception of impropriety. The Managers also uphold the anti-corruption and anti-bribery clauses found in contractual agreements when dealing with business partners.

The Managers have also adopted an internal code of business and ethical conduct which sets out the business principles and practices with respect to matters which may have ethical implications. The code provides a communicable and understandable framework for employees of the Managers to observe principles such as honesty, integrity, responsibility and accountability at all levels of the organisation and in the conduct of business in their relationships with suppliers and amongst employees, including situations where there are potential conflicts of interests.

New employees of the Managers are made aware of the importance of business ethics as part of their orientation and on a periodic basis, employees of the Managers undergo refresher training. Employees of the Managers also provide an annual self-attestation to affirm their fit and proper status. The various anti-corruption policies and the internal code of business and ethical conduct are made available to all employees in the Managers' intranet.
